How can the Waste Processor help the municipalities?
Currently, domestic waste is collected without separation between residual waste and recycling waste (raw materials).
This garbage is transported to waste processing companies, which spend a lot of effort and energy separating it into residual waste and valuable materials. And unfortunately in the majority of countries, the municipalities and collection companies collect garbage and deposits in areas covered with earth.
When this process can be done at the start of the chain at kitchen, canteen of workshop, emerges a completely different way of work. Garbage is worth money instead of costing money.
Because the garbage volume decreases drastically at the time we shred them, the collection frequency can also be reduced from 250 days an year to 42 days collection, which in turn leads to a reduction in costs and CO2 emissions.
Your municipality can save money and at the same time earn money “recycling” is a “game changer”!
In the following ways, the municipality can save money, earn money and, most importantly, improve the environment for its residents:
- The moment we shred the packaging material the volume decreases and so we reduce the costs of garbage collection;
- The frequency of garbage collection can be reduced up to 42 times per year and thus reduce the costs of the truck fleet; maintenance
- Now we have a new way to create income because the packaging materials (garbage) are separated by means of the recycling elbow as raw materials that is offered to the companies producing packaging;
- Increase in monetary income due to the fact that the residual waste is separated and in this way we can offer it directly to the owners of incinerators and cement producers;
- With this new way of working, CO2 emissions will be reduced by approximately 15%;
- Improve air quality, improve our environment and your residents will be more involved in the separation of garbage.