Waste processing

From waste to raw material

Waste processing problems can be divided into the following points:

Increase in plastic packaging material
High garbage collection not separated;
High frequency of garbage collection of ± 250 days per year;
High consumption of electricity;
High water consumption;
High gas consumption;
High fuel consumption;
High CO2 emissions.

According to information from the Bureau of Statistics, waste collection companies, waste processing, water, gas and energy companies represent 37.5% of total CO2 emissions per year.

When we observe the current practice of garbage collection, municipalities and garbage processors choose to collect domestic garbage and industrial garbage without separating it. This means that the garbage is collected 250 days per year and the garbage processors work with large facilities that consume a lot of energy, water and gas. And unfortunately in the majority of countries, the municipalities collect garbage and deposits in areas covered with earth.

Surely this can be done better

By sorting packaging material at the source, for example: kitchen, canteen or workshop and by grinding the volume to a minimum, a mono flow of raw materials is created.

A quantity of plastics supplies raw materials to produce new plastic products.
Currently there are 7 international recycling codes for 7 types of plastics.
Of those 7, there are 4 types with which householders and businesses come into daily contact and can be reused up to 7 times.

4 types of plastic that can be reused

Recycling code 1 PET (polyethylene terephthalate);
Recycling Code 2 HDPE or PE-HD (High Density Polyethylene);
Recycling code 4 LDPE or PE-LD (low density polyethylene);
Recycling code 5 PP (polypropylene);

We have a recycling code that can not be shredded by the Waste Processor:
Recycling code 3 PVC (vinyl polyvinyl chloride); They release toxic substances during grinding;

Types of plastic packaging to produce energy

All other plastic packaging, which does not contain any recycling code, is classified as residual waste and these will be used to produce energy.
Recycling code 6 PS (polystyrene) is burned to produce energy;
Recycling code 7 PC (Polycarbonate) is burned to produce energy;

Types of packaging that can be used again:

  • Beverage cartons to be reused.
    they are an important raw material for paper and plastic products.
  • Aluminum packaging for reuse.
  • Bottle caps for reuse.
  • Cans for reuse.
  • Carton and paper for reuse.
  • Cardboard and waste paper are the most important raw materials for
    production of new paper, paper. For example, for new packaging, paper
    hygienic and newspapers.